Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Specialty Post # 4

In order to create appropriate answers for Walt Whitman's interview, I collaborated information from three websites: (, (, and Wikipedia ( shared personal information about Walt Whitman that helped me to understand his journey to become a successful writer, Wikipedia gave me an overview of his accomplishments, and allowed me to view excerpts from his collection of controversial poems titled "Leaves of Grass".

After learning that Walt Whitman was a humanist, I tried to gear his interview answers away from cynicism and toward acceptance. Another factor that contributed to the content of my interview was the fact that he was a very generous and giving person. Admirabely, one of Whitman's passions was nursing wounded soldiers in a hospital. To me, his nursing career demonstrated selflessness and dedication, causing me to believe that he was a fair individual who invested a lot into relationships of all sorts. Further proof of this theory is that throughout adulthood, he continuously sent money to help his widowed mother and invalid brother. In addition, Whitman donated money to help the hospitalized patients that he took care of. Even though he struggled to support himself through most of his life, Walt Whitman was dedicated to those whom he cared about and made sacrifices to ensure their well being.

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